San Juan River Fishing Reports

Resolution Guide Service San Juan River Fishing ReportsKeep up to date with fishing conditions on the San Juan River and Navajo Lake! We cover crucial, on the ground information such as water conditions, hatches, weather and most of all, where to find the fish in the San Juan River area!

San Juan River Fishing Reports

Resolution Guide Service San Juan River Fishing ReportsKeep up to date with fishing conditions on the San Juan River and Navajo Lake! We cover crucial, on the ground information such as water conditions, hatches, weather and most of all, where to find the fish in the San Juan River area!

This first week of Daylight Savings Time has been wonderful. Sunday, when time sprang forward, seemed like the first day of spring. The weather was perfect, and trees were showing some swollen buds, San Juan River rainbows were feeding, and I was fortunate to guide a couple of good fly fishermen down the river. We (they) caught 50-some trout – all rainbows but one, a 16-inch brown. We caught a few fish in Texas Hole, mostly on red annelids, size…
The fantastic weather streak in northwestern New Mexico continues! With daily highs in the 60’s, who would know that it is the middle of winter? San Juan River trout seem to like the warm weather as much as the fly fishers. A couple of Rainbow Lodge guests spent the last three days on the river fishing two days with guide, Ben Hahn, and one day fishing on their own. By stripping leaches and dead-drifting woolly buggers above black midges, the…
You could not ask for better fishing weather than what we had this weekend on the San Juan River! Unbelievably gorgeous skies with periodic clouds, highs in the 50’s, snow on the canyon walls – incredible! This is part of the reason I live here. Then there is the main reason I live here – the fishing. Fly-fishing on the San Juan right now is really good but in order to catch the quality fish in the river you have…


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